We did it
On 12th January 2023 we successfully raised £26,390 ( + est. £1880.00 Gift Aid ) with 66 supporters in 35 days

We want to provide workshops in financial and employability skills to disadvantaged BAMER youth and adults in Barnet

by Courtney Brown in London, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Once we meet our initial target, any extra funding will be put towards expanding the project reach to open our centre as a hub with access to computers and digital media software for participants to work on their business plans and creative projects and to provide more holistic support around financial well-being. 

The cost-of-living crisis is hitting many people hard, but there are some people in our society who are feeling the effects worse than others. We have seen these effects first hand as people in our community experience rising anxiety about the future and worry about bills. We want to bridge the gap for immigrants and other disadvantaged people who might not know how to access available services to help them find new jobs and start micro-businesses to generate extra funds during the cost-of-living crisis.  

Balance the Books will address these issues and support disadvantaged black, Asian, minority ethnic and refugees in Barnet and North London to increase financial well-being and resilience.

We will host events to connect our clients with professionals and community services and we will deliver workshops on topics such as: 

- budgeting
- financial services
- CVs and interview skills
- digital entrepreneurship

The crucial funding you provide will to contribute towards: 

-  hiring and paying the best teachers and administrators to deliver the workshops
- food and travel expenses for our hardworking volunteers
- photocopying and materials to distribute to the students
- meals for the participants who need them
- marketing to let people know about our courses
- heating and internet costs to create a welcoming, warm environment at our building

Our team at Axis Educational Trust has  25+ years’ experience delivering supplementary education for disadvantaged communities, and we have had a significant personal, social, and economic impact on young people and their families. Our participants have built resilience and self-confidence, recognised their strengths and built attainable lifestyles for themselves.  


This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£200 or more

£200 Reward

This reward is entitling the pledger to have 10% discount on online courses listed on www.tuitioncentres.org

£50 or more

£50 Reward

This reward is entitling the pledger to have 5% discount on online courses listed on www.tuitioncentres.org

£100 or more

£100 Reward

This reward is entitling the pledger to have 7.5% discount on online courses listed on www.tuitioncentres.org

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