To Stop the Barriers for Benefits for the Elderly.
by Lavenders in Smethwick, England, United Kingdom
Lavenders has supported the elderly in Smethwick over the last 11yrs, our support has grown to deliver various community driven projects for over 500 elderly within the last year.
This has included reduction of Social Isolation via activities for the Elderly, we have also managed to reduce heat poverty and also delivered a few hot meals to those who were most in need.
We have only have one full time post supported by the Lottery all the rest of our work is delivered by unpaid volunteers which we are very proud to have onboard with some as old 85!
We now wish to raise fund for two posts to deliver benefit advice to elderly within the comfort of there home ,as you can imagine the paperwork for any benefit claim is dauting and the digital barriers endless.
Our advisers will support the elderly through outreach work and community led campaigns to raise awareness of possible benefits available . We will offer in person support throughout the process and help with common difficulties such as dealing with bureaucratic systems that often also have a digital barrier.
This project offers rewards in return for your donation.