Cost of living - critical advice services

by Lisa Davis in Epsom, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 10th January 2023 we successfully raised £5,490 ( + est. £205.00 Gift Aid ) with 27 supporters in 84 days

We are raising money to enable us to give free, independent advice to more local people during the cost of living crisis.

by Lisa Davis in Epsom, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

With additional funds we could expand our free advice service through recruitment and training of more advisers which in turn would enable us to help more people.  We could explore outreach services and publicity campaigns to promote our services more widely enabling us to reach a wider audience.

Please help us to help local people during the Cost of Living Crisis.

The Cost of Living Crisis is affecting all of us with rising prices and concerns about the future.  But for some, the crisis is truly devastating.  

We have all heard stories of elderly people worried about turning on their heating and parents cutting back on meals so they can feed their children. We need your help to support people affected by the crisis.  Please donate if you can.

People coming to us are understandably very worried about paying their bills and looking after their families.  We want to make sure people have the right support to manage in these difficult times.

We help clients by giving free advice and information about many different issues including debt, benefits, housing and employment advice.  We can give crisis support including vouchers for the local food bank and funds to help with fuel payments.

We can check that people are claiming all the benefits and other money that they are entitled to.  We can also help people with budgeting skills whether they are already in debt or are worried about managing their money effectively.

Like all Citizens Advice, we are an independent charity and need to raise funds to keep our services running.  We are not part of the government but are one of over 270 local citizens advice helping those in our community.  

Our work makes a big difference.  During 2021-22 we helped more than 2,700 people resulting in over £1.12m financial outcomes for those clients (unclaimed benefits and money due to them; debts, payment or loans written off or restructured etc). Reducing financial worries can have a knock on effect of reducing stress and improving wellbeing.  In fact last year 80% of our clients said that our help had made a big difference to their situation.

Demand for our services is predicted to grow this winter so please help us to help others.  All funds received will go towards running our free advice services for the benefit of the community of Epsom & Ewell.   This could help another elderly person keep warm or parent provide a hot meal for their children.

We are here for everyone.  Whoever they are.  Whatever the problem.  And you never know when you might need us too so please donate if you can.

Thank you.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£50 or more

Meet the team for Christmas drinks

We are delighted to offer donors the opportunity to join our CEO, Trustees and advice staff & volunteers for Christmas drinks on 14 December. Hear about our work and the impact this funding will have on our client services. Enjoy a free drink and mince pie and chat with other supporters.

£100 or more

0 of 10 claimed

CAEE presentation to your organisation

We would be delighted to deliver a presentation to your organisation about Citizens Advice Epsom & Ewell. Learn about the free advice and information services that we offer our local community. Hear about how we train our volunteers; how we are funded and why we are a charity. Find out about the value in volunteering and the opportunities available at CAEE. **available to organisations in the Borough of Epsom & Ewell**

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