Day One Trauma Support: Caseworker Appeal

by Craig Linton in Leeds, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 26th December 2023 we successfully raised £45,289 ( + est. £2473.25 Gift Aid ) with 384 supporters in 0 days

To provide financial advice and support to help people who've suffered a catastrophic injury and improve their well-being.

by Craig Linton in Leeds, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Every penny we raise over our original target will help us provide more advice and support to people who've suffered a catastrophic injury.

Reaching the magical £50,000 would help us to expand our national offer, reach more people and reduce the stress, worries and fear that arise after an accident. 

The first goal is to reach £25,000 and then see where we can go from there...

  • Step 1: £25,000 - achieved 4 December - thank you so much!
  • Step 2: £30,000 - achieved 11 December - you're amazing...
  • Step 3: £35,000 - achieved 19 December - what a Christmas present!
  • Step 4: £40,000 - achieved 22 December - you're wonderful...
  • Step 5: £45,000...

It would be the perfect Christmas present for everyone at Day One and the patients we work with. Thank you for supporting Lucie and our appeal.

By giving to this appeal you can provide financial advice and support to people who’ve suffered a catastrophic injury – helping to improve their well-being and mental health. 

By giving today you’ll be helping people like Lucie:

“Surviving being hit by a tractor and dragged under its 10-tonne trailer was just the start. I was 19 and thought I was going to die. My injuries were like I’d been hit by a bomb. I lost the right side of my pelvis and my right leg. A lot of my internal organs no longer worked. 

I spent 18 months in hospital. 



Grieving for my old body. 

My mum became my carer. My world had been turned upside down and it was too much to cope on my own. 

Thankfully, we had Day One Trauma Support by our side throughout.” 


Lucie in hospital recovering from her accident.

Why We Need Your Support

A car colliding with another at speed. A body hitting the concrete after a fall from height. Limbs crushed by a mechanical fault. Bones shattered and splintered. Vital organs punctured by a bullet. Skin and muscle ripped open with a knife. 

Major trauma changes lives in an instant.  

But beyond the immediate impact of the car crash, the fall, the workplace accident, the violent crime… 

beyond the hospital stay, the months of agony, the chronic exhaustion, the waiting and waiting and waiting for bones to heal, beyond the fear, beyond loneliness, the consequences of major trauma go on… 

Strained relationships, employment loss, housing precarity, drained finances, childcare pressures, legal battles, mental health decline, mental health crisis. Every area of a life can be damaged. It is an isolating and terrifying experience.  

At Day One we believe no one should go through this alone.   

By giving to this appeal you can provide financial advice and support to people who’ve suffered a catastrophic injury – helping to improve their well-being and mental health. 

Our caseworkers are at Major Trauma Centres across seven sites in the north of England and we have a national advice and support line available to anyone who needs us. 

Your donation will mean people get professional, compassionate, helpful support and advice from Day One after their accident. Not only that, but we’ll be there to help for as long as it takes. 

Why legal, financial and welfare advice really matters

Worries about financial security, employment and welfare can seriously affect both physical and mental recovery. 

Research shows that access to early legal, welfare and employment advice can improve long-term outcomes and aid recovery. 

The University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust found that: 

“Patients admitted acutely to hospital have often made little, if any, arrangements regarding their personal affairs. Their families may find difficulties in dealing with financial and legal matters while the patient is seriously ill, particularly those in ITU when the patient often lacks capacity.”

“The most commonly sought advice in our patient group was regarding entitlement to welfare benefits, applications for deputyship in the case of loss of competence to manage affairs, personal insurance claims, financial issues and care funding… 

“Legal aid has been significantly cut over recent years. Having to seek and pay for such advice would we feel provide an additional burden for patients and their families at a time of acute distress.”

Day One is there right from the start to make sure no one is alone and everyone gets the support they need.

Additionally, we know from our research that these issues disproportionately affect the poorest in our communities. 

We often pay for things like parking, petrol and overnight accommodation so family can visit a loved one in hospital. Without our help patients would often end up alone, or in debt, – both severely affecting well-being and recovery.

Our research shows that over 60% of our support in this area goes to people living in the bottom third of households as defined by the UK Household Deprivation Index. In fact, 4% of our beneficiaries have no-fixed abode (homeless), which is a massive over-indexing against the general population. 

Although we are a charity working in the context of severe physical injury, our work is intimately connected with mental health experiences and mental health recovery.  

A lack of support in the these crucial areas can have a devastating knock-on effect to mental health:

  • Many people end up with life-changing injuries due to a mental health crisis resulting in serious self-injury or suicide attempts.
  • No matter the mechanism of injury, there is a 40 per cent increased chance of mental health difficulties following major trauma, with 70 in every 100,000 patients taking their own life.  
  • “An estimated 30–40% of individuals who survive a MT report serious, long-term psychological difficulties. (Teager et al, 2022: 1) 
  • Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and chronic pain are commonly reported consequences of significant injuries” (Teager et al, 2022: 1) 
  • Major trauma injuries may lead to the “re-emergence or exacerbation of pre-existing mental health problems and can lead to reduced quality of life and occupational outcomes” (Teager et al, 2022: 2) 

How We'll Use Your Donation

You can double your impact this Christmas thanks to the matched funding from Aviva.

Every £32.36 we receive turns into two hours of advice, support and listening.  

Your kindness will mean our caseworker can be there for Lucie and others from day one and for as long as it takes.

Listening and providing access to legal support, helping with welfare claims and signposting financial help. As well as working with the patient and their family to get access to rehab, psychological support and everything needed to help aid recovery.

Thank you for supporting Lucie.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£32 or more

Two hours of crucial support

Thanks to the matched funding, a gift of £32.36 will pay for two hours of support from our caseworker. Enough time to help with a welfare claim for someone worried about their financial future.

£5 or more

The warm glow of helping others

By giving to this campaign you'll be doing something wonderful. We hope that you'll feel proud to support this project and feel the warm glow of doing something kind and compassionate to help others. Thank you!

£113 or more

Pay for a full day of support

You'll can feel proud to pay for a full day of caseworker support in a Major Trauma Centre. Our team will be there to provide emotional, practical and financial support for patients and there families. What an incredible thing to do this Christmas!

£250 or more

The full matched funding - £250

By giving £250 you'll be making the maximum of the matched funding. You can help cover the costs of emergency things that arise in the aftermath of a major accident - travel for family, overnight stays, clothes to replace those cut off in the accident. Make this extra special gift and we'll surprise you with a special thank you from everyone at Day One!

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