We have some really excited young people who would like to work with the RSPB (Royal Society of the Protection of Birds) in saving the Sparrows in Downpatrick. Numbers of Sparrows are declining at an alarming rate all over Ireland and the UK. The young people believe they can help turn the tide for the sparrow. They have a plan to make a difference, and they believe it can work.
- Firstly they would like to increase food supplies over the winter months for the sparrows. So they are going to make some bird feeders and water feeders. They hope to take some home with them and place them at the Patrician Youth Centre and at their local high school/primary schools. For the schools they would like to provide a large bag of bird seed to accompany their feeders so as to insure birds all over Downpatrick will be fed this winter.
- Secondly the young people would like to build nesting boxes for the sparrows and have them put up in schools/gardens around Downpatrick. The Patrician Youth Centre will support the young people to manufacture quality nesting boxes that they can take home and put up in local schools. This is important to the sparrow survival as nesting spaces are key to helping them thrive.
- Thirdly young people would like to create small sustainable wildflower areas to increase wildlife at the Youth Centre and their School. This will create natural food sources for the sparrows and other wildlife. They will achieve this through building six raised neds for wildflowers to grow which will provide an important food source for Sparrows.
This project will help young people gain knowledge on how it is so important to look after your local natural environment. It will build their confidence as they will be able see how they are able to make a difference in helping save the sparrow.
The Patrician Youth Centre would like to crowdfund so as to support the young people in this endeavour. this funding will be use to:
- Purchase sleepers, screened top soil, compost, wildflower seeds so the young people can build the wildflowers areas for the sparrows.
- Provide wood and materials so that Young people can construct bird feeders, and nesting boxes.
- Bags of seed will be bought in order to provide food for the feeders and help the birds through the winter.
We would love you to support these young people through a small donation. A donation of:
- £5 could help build a nest box or a bird feeder.
- £8 Could help purchase a bag of seed
- £10 could provide materials for two bird nest boxes.
- £25 Could buy a sleeper for the raised beds.