Your donation will be matched
Help Ashton Pantry refurbish our hall, so we can make a bigger difference by offering even more affordable food & further reduce food waste.
by Sue Thomas in Wigan, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
Your incredible support so far means that we are stretching our target to cover all the money we need to start building in April!
We have nearly raised enough money to build a new pantry and storeroom. This will let us offer more food, helping families reduce grocery costs while keeping their choice and dignity. A new kitchen will mean we can open a Pay-As-You-Feel Café and run cooking lessons to help people learn how to make healthy, low-cost meals. You can see the plans here.
We’ll be working with the Wigan CAP Debt Centre to offer debt help and money coaching courses, giving people the tools to take control of their finances and build a better future.
Our pantry, Pay-As-You-Feel Café and community space will welcome everyone, whether you are with us because you are on a tight budget, or you simply don't like to see good food wasted. We collaborate with support agencies such as Green Doctors, Support to Succeed, and Bounceback Food CIC, and will invite them and others to provide additional advice and guidance. We also work closely with Wigan Council to provide even more support.
We asked Paula what difference the pantry and Wigan CAP has made to her.
She said, “The pantry has helped me in loads of ways they helped me to get out of the house and socialise in a safe space, because I’ve got anxiety issues. I couldn’t have survived without the pantry – they are more than generous with their portions and it’s all good quality things what you can make a meal out of. There’s been loads of times when I had nothing to live off and the pantry has saved the day.
They (the debt centre manager) helped me with my debt and got the (Debt) Relief Order. This took a massive anxiety away from me and I don’t feel suicidal anymore.”
Here are some other comments from pantry members:
With your support, we can create a better space where people can get the help they need, learn new skills, and feel part of a supportive community.
We just have £34,000 left to raise and we aim to raise £20,000 through this crowdfunding appeal - we only need £10,000 in donations and then we will be given the other £10,000 by the Aviva Community Fund. So, for example if you donate £50 we will receive another £50 through match funding.There is a donation limit of £250 and please note that only your first donation is matched.
Please donate today and help us make a real difference in Ashton and beyond!