We launched our Change Maker Initiative last year and have already started to make a real difference. The video above gives you a good idea of what we are currently doing. We need your support to expand the initiative. Even in these Covid times we have made a difference with our initiative creating positive environmental outcomes, bringing people together, improving health and encouraging people to take part in activities that can also be seen to support and improve mental health. To find out more visit us at www.oneplanetmatters.com
Our Change Maker Initiative creates change. Currently we have been creating a number of Community Orchards in Gloucestershire using traditional Gloucestershire fruit where the local community will be the custodians of the orchards. .Our "Rooted" growing communities are bringing people together, to plan, plant, grow and then look after an area that is providing local produce for their local community. Our aim is to expand our initiative and then link our expanding network of "Rooted" growing communities & community orchards with local allotments and free food sites to expand local food networks. Your donation will help develop community orchards and provide the materials for the creation of growing communities. These orchards and "Rooted" growing communities improve biodiversity and provide local produce for the community. When these are situated in urban settings it also creates green spaces and gives young people a a chance to plan, grow and then eat fresh healthy fruit and vegetables.
These activities also help tackle the climate emergency by reducing carbon and packaging , whilst importantly providing more people with fresh food which will lead to less of this
All our activities are also based around providing spaces that improve health and support improved mental well being. Our Community tree planting brings people together, improves biodiversity, and tackles climate change.
Two young Change Makers.....

When we are working with schools, colleges and the wider population, we will also be using the activities to highlight the way intensive farming, transportation, and packaging all feed into the climate emergency, as well as offering information packs on tree care, pruning and improving biodiversity within a growing area.
We want to build a network of change makers who will make a real difference, but to do this we need to:
Work with communities, schools and colleges to provide more community orchards, and mini orchards as part of our "Rooted" growing communities. These can be created in urban spaces to help green up the locality and help children understand the link between food and how it is grown... and they can eat it!
Work with Communities schools and colleges to help them set up plan and run their own "Rooted" growing space that will link into our network of growing communities that are especially important in the urban context
Support and develop more community woodland increasing biodiversity, creating green spaces and reducing CO2.
present these environmentally events are on hold but please sign up to host one of these future events. We will provide you with an information pack which highlights the environmental impact of fashion on the planet, and any clothes that are left will support our recycle and reuse programme
100 native broad leaf Trees planted to support a community woodland in Somerset. We supported the Curry Woods Conservation Trust by supplying 100 native broadleaf trees , guards and stakes to support their community project.

Here are some nice things people have said since we launched the initiative.
One Planet Matters is making a big difference on the ground to local communities enabling and supporting them to make the necessary changes to their lives and local areas to tackle the Climate Emergency and the nature crisis.
Lucy Rees South Gloucestershire Senior Environmental Policy & Climate Change Officer
Being part of the Rooted growing community organised by One Planet Matters is a fantastic opportunity for our children. Digging and planting in the soil is such a positive experience for our young people and they are always delighted to grow and then eat their own food. It makes our science leaning so much more real as well as promoting biodiversity on our site.
Andrew Kinnear deputy head Sea Mills Primary
We are so pleased to be working in collaboration with One Planet Matters who are doing such brilliant work getting trees planted and bringing communities together. We highly recommend checking out their website, getting involved, and buying one of their reusable cups too!! https://www.oneplanetmatters.com/
Frome Valley Growing Project

The Change Maker initiative is ready to grow and your donation will allow us to expand our initiative. Donations = more facilitators = more engagement = growth of initiative = more change makers
Have a look at our facebook page, where One Planet Matters posts and engages on environmental issues. Visit or join our changemakers group which individuals involved in our initiatives can join . It's for people who care about the environment and our aim is to grow this into a campaigning body. And finally review our change maker series that we have started to run on instagram. We would like to further develop our social media activity and part of your donation could be used to fund this.
Thank you. Kevin Thomas Founder of One Planet Matters