Peace of Mind communities and natural connections

by Respite Now cic in Cumnock, Scotland, United Kingdom

We did it
On 7th October 2020 we successfully raised £130 with 5 supporters in 42 days

Provide support to disadvantaged people in local communities use natural connections to create and take ownership of their interest groups

by Respite Now cic in Cumnock, Scotland, United Kingdom

           Peace of Mind cultivating communities thro natural connections

The Peace of Mind program aims are to work with individuals, families, community groups and local businesses to ensure people with disabilities and those socially excluded and experiencing loneliness can get more involved in their local community.

 Peace of Mind program helps people to create and develop their own local groups which they can use to  find activities of interest that are available in their area. Peace of Mind closely supports the groups and helps with finding support staff that creates employment and also with planning  support to help group attend or take part as a group of people who’ll be sharing in the activities. The PoM team has over 20 years experience in the third sector working with and supporting disadvantaged people and have skills and knowledge in a broad range of services and partnerships which are successfully adapted for  the program. 

We want to develop Peace of Mind groups for people in communities throughout the regions

Before Coronavirus, many of us could barely imagine what it’s like to be stuck at home from the time you get up till you go to bed with no social contact.  Lock down changed all that.  We’re now exiting lock down and many of us are fortunate enough to be returning to a “normal life”, taking part in community activities and groups, meeting friends and family and enjoying outdoor spaces.

For disabled people, lock down existed before Coronavirus and will continue to exist long after the rest of us have returned to “normal life”

Lock down is the “normal life” for too many disabled people in Scotland.  Often their own support is a fleeting visit to help them out of bed, get washed and dressed, prepare meals and then return to bed in the evening.

Peace of Mind is working hard to change that reality but we can only do it with your help

We’re already working with a number of groups with various disabilities including adults with ADHD and elderly people who have mobility issues to connect with others in their community, offer companionship, friendship and genuine social inclusion.

But we can’t do it alone.  We need support to grow our network of groups. Every fund donation moves us one step closer to overcoming social exclusion and isolation for people across regions.

Peace of Mind vision is to see local PoM groups across the UK developed and owned by local people including those who are socially distanced and experience loneliness so they can be involved locally and making decisions that are beneficial to them. The funds will allow us to kick start groups with set up costs, new employment of support staff where needed and running costs for first 9 months after which a group would be in a stable position to develop in ways that suits the people. The ethos of Peace of Mind is it is not in "competition to others but the complete opposite as the basis of the program is integration and partnership.       

The program aims to support people to unlock the potential of community connections and natural networks by facilitating them to identify social activities they are interested in; engage with established activities in their local area through enabling introductions, attendance and participation; and, where there are no suitable activities or groups, to establish these for the benefit of themselves and others in the community.  Peace of Mind has  worked with individuals to establish an “Adult ADHD” support group and another group for elderly people who have a range of age related disabilities who would otherwise be without social interaction and engagement.

Peace of Mind works ! Now more than ever is the time to create new community groups in as many areas as possible . Your donation will support us to do just that.

 Help make our target make a difference and Support the Well Being of Others.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£15 or more

£15 Reward

Your donation will support group members activities & transport costs

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Peace of Mind pen & key ring

£40 or more

£40 Reward

Personal First Aid Kit

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