Refurbish our new community hub!

by Clare O'Neill in Halifax, England, United Kingdom

Refurbish our new community hub!

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£30,584 target 30 days left
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Flexible funding – this project will receive all pledges made by 13th March 2025 at 9:53am

We want to refurbish our new community hub to offer financial wellbeing advice and services for people affected by the cost of living crisis

by Clare O'Neill in Halifax, England, United Kingdom

 donated match funding
Aviva Community Fund is providing live match funding

Our community hub will help us tackle household poverty and improve financial wellbeing

Happy Days is a charity for people who are homeless and in crisis. But we also have around 600 service members who are struggling to make ends meet during the cost of living crisis. They attend our drop-in advice clinics and our affordable community supermarket, where they can get 15 food items for £6, £1 of which is contributed to the customer's own credit union account.

We would like to refurbish our new building, which now contains the supermarket, to offer a range of services for these service members only, separate from the services we offer for homeless people in severe crisis, for safeguarding and comfort. These will include:

  • A pay-as-you-feel cafe
  • Cookery lessons
  • Advice clinics from local organisations such as Jobcentre Plus, Healthy Minds, debt advisors, housing providers, etc
  • Workshops and events on improving quality of life, including financially
  • Therapy services including group support on trauma, resilience and wellbeing.

We will also move our office space to the new building, to ensure that it is always occupied and cared for, with our volunteers fully supported. 

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