Repurpose the Surplus
We did it
On 4th March 2024 we successfully raised £280 ( + est. £5.00 Gift Aid ) with 8 supporters in 0 days

To provide a team of volunteers to be on hand to sort and prepare bulk donations of surplus fresh vegetables that will reduce landfill.

by UK Harvest in Chichester, England, United Kingdom


The mission and purpose of UKHarvest is to prevent food waste and food insecurity by enriching and educating our communities.1704205371_vuq7g9lyo.png

We are working direct with local farmer and re-surplusing 800KG of peppers ( amongst other things!) each week!!

UKHarvest  also work closely with the Xcess network, in particular City Harvest to swap excess fresh product weekly. Therefore, this additional food supply will prevent almost 40,000 kgs of edible food going to landfill whilst directly benefitting those in food insecurity.


We must recruit, train and scale up volunteers in our food rescue warehouse, to have a team of volunteer to sift through large containers of freshly discarded peppers/veg that we save from landfill. 

We have a Volunteer WAG group ( Warehouse Action Group) where Volunteers come in at short notice ( like reservists!) when we have bulk surplus to help sort. We currently have 7 , but need 14-20.


Your support will help us to build our Volunteer reservists helping us to reduce CO2e and pump fresh veg back into the community to reduce food poverty! Your funding will to help recruit and train then into action!1704205414_7ee4adecd69dc8b60eefe1967e89397a.jpg

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