Total raised £9,165

raised so far



To help people of all ages grow the trees, from seed, that will create new woodlands that we and our future generations needs

by Living Woods North East (CIC) in Hexham, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

 £11,000 that will enable us to improve the educational aspect of the project and in particular fund the creation of resources that can be used in educational settings, including the home. At the start of the half term, for the 2 year journey, a set of resources will be given that looks at "Why are trees important?" We will look at this from the environmental and biodiversity  angle. Each set will include climate change resources and also provide additional teaching around the key stages of growing the trees. In addition we will look at nature and why is it important to us and why we are important in nature on a termly basis, and we will look to provide this face to face, or on line for home education settings. The educational resources can be adapted by the teacher or parent to suit the different ages or levels in learning. They will contain ideas for activities that helps the leaner mathematically, creativity and with literature studies. Experts in the field and teachers will  be involved in the production of these resources.

We believed that these resources will help fill the gap in environmental and climate change education resources, but used alongside with the practical growing task, will help children to feel empowered to change their future, and reduce climate change anxieties that may come from simply hearing about it.

2. A n additionally £5,500 that will see the  resources design and deliver the resources in various formats - including digitally, increasing effectiveness and enhance learning opportunities, for one school year. This presentation will help teachers in delivering the material and especially help children and young people at all levels of educational abilities and can be adapted to meet  existing knowledge, learning needs and language challenges

We all know that trees are vital. They’re our lungs, our guardians, our health service and wildlife champions. And we need more of them.

Now YOU can play a part and help more British native trees to be grown that will be planted and grown on to improve biodiversity and help fight climate change.

Your support can help grow more trees that will be planted in the right places, and help grow the understanding of the importance of trees and the importance nature is for us, and we to nature.

These trees however will not just be mass produced, in nurseries, for the general sale - these trees will be grown by children, individuals, households, and community groups  - in their own outdoor space.

Your support can help us as a community, join together against the eco and climate crisis we face

Your support connects us all in the creation of new woodlands that our generations will need. 

Your support can make the difference

SEEDS2TREES was launched in 2022 and is mobilising a community of tree growers, made up of individuals, households, educational establishments and community groups.  

Buying the seed for these community tree growers is one of the needs that your donation will help to achieve. 

 The trees that you will be giving a chance to be grown will be planted by Living Woods, creating woodlands, and being a part of the change we need for our environment, nature, our climate, and for life itself. 

1725890586_woodlands_for_generations_picture.jpgToday we’re all enjoying and benefiting from the trees that our ancestors planted, maybe several hundred years ago. As growers and financial supporters of SEEDS2TREES, we have a responsibility to ensure that future generations - our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren - can enjoy and benefit from trees in their lives too. TOGETHER, whether as growers or financial facilitators, we are "growing the change we need”.  

SEEDS2TREES was launched in 2022. This then will be our third round of new tree growing. Over 300 people have committed themselves, their households their school, or community group to a two - year task of growing the seed, and nurturing the young saplings.  The first of these saplings, that started as seeds in 2022, will be collected this November, and prepared for planting. The aim of this appeal is to help fund a third round of tree growing

Your donation will help SEEDS2TREES grow the change we need.

SEEDS2TREES aims to :- 

  • Grow more trees to improve biodiversity, reduce C02 and produce oxygen.
  • Grow the understanding of children and young people and help them to become environmental champions. 
  • Grow this opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds, locations -such as rural and urban areas, to do something personal and tangible to help with the eco and climate crisis that we face.


1725955816_acorns.jpgSEE WHAT YOU WOULD BE HELPING TO ACHIEVE Each batch contains seeds for Oak, hazel, Silver Birch and Alder, and holds the potential for 100 new trees.   These trees, when matured, could absorb 210 kgs of CO2 a year from our atmosphere, and release enough oxygen to support two human beings.

A batch contains 70 acorns for new oak trees. One oak tree alone supports more life than any other native tree species in the UK. Oak are host to hundreds of insect species, supplying many birds with an important food source. Their fallen leaves support biodiversity and, in autumn, mammals such as squirrels, badgers and deer feed on acorns.

As biodiversity is essential for the processes in supporting all life on Earth, including human life, your support has the potential to have the healthy ecosystems that we rely on to provide us with the air we breathe and the food we eat.

The right trees that you will be helping to grow will be planted by Living Woods in the right place, helping to reduce the impacts of storm and flood water and alleviate the impact of drought, improve water quality, reduce soil erosion, and help keep rivers cool.

Grow the understanding of children and young people and help them to become environmental champions. 

1729157638_round_1.jpgYour support can help children and young people become more aware of their natural world, benefit from connecting with nature and being outdoors, and feel empowered to be change makers for their future.  

Your money can help to provide comprehensive  educational resources that can be used by teachers, group leaders, and families. Every half term through out the two year growing journey, we will provide an educational material that helps our younger tree growing community understand the life of a tree, and their benefits of trees for the environment, biodiversity and climate change. Also we will explore with them the relationship nature and us have.  

Please read on to find out more about this extraordinary project that you will help with your donation.

S1725890665_living_woods_logo.pngEEDS2TREES is a key part of Living Woods North East CIC, known as Living Woods. This is a non-profit organisation that’s dedicated to trees, woodlands and all things connected to them. Living Woods cares for woodlands, creates new woodlands and orchards, and through our community engagement work, help people to connect with nature through woodlands. Living Woods works with land managers and communities to help them put “the right tree, in the right place, for the right reason” and create diverse and productive habitats for people and wildlife.

1725890718_new_s2t_logo_-_copy.pngSEEDS2TREES in particular provides an opportunity for the community to CREATE new woodlands, and their creation begins as a result of the commitment and care of the community, in their own gardens, yards, school and community group grounds.

SEEDS2TREES was first launched as a pilot scheme in 2022, made possible through the time and finances given by individuals, business sponsorship, and the Aviva Community Fund, largely through Aviva’s Crowdfunding opportunity. Round 1 saw over 1725890776_collection_of_growers.jpg100 community tree growers (whether on their own, in a household, or as a school or a group) receive British native tree seeds and begin a two-year journey growing the seeds in their gardens, yards and grounds.

1725955464_fiona_15th_june.jpgFiona, who joined SEEDS2TREES in2022 describes it as "growing  a wood in my own back yard". She was amazed by the thought that something so big one day, started off in just that small space..

Her "little wood" will help to create new woodlands

1726081429_tree_planting_temp-600x372.jpg Fiona's saplings will be some of the first to be collected, concluding the first round of SEEDS2TREES. They will be prepared for planting by Living Woods

A second round of tree growing from seed was launched last November, once again, largely made possible with the support that came through another Aviva’s Crowdfunding opportunity, which also attracted the support of the Aviva Community Fund, Save our British Isle Fund, and BA Better World Community Fund. 

This time it was possible to distribute 200 batches of British Native tree s1725955616_packed_and_ready_round_1.jpgeeds, with their growing kits. Each batch of seeds again contained 70 acorns for new Oak trees, 35 Hazelnut and numerous small Common Alder and Silver Birch trees.

As we see the trees grow, we are seeing the potential of this extraordinary project grow too.

Just like an acorn with potential for a mighty oak, we are seeing this small idea as a way to see more trees grown, as an effective tool for growth, education and change.

£40would cover the costs for a batch of seeds, its  growing kit and distribution to a community grower, and a small contribution towards the support given to our growers.

Helping to provide support and encouragement

SEEDS2TREES engages the community and is a truly inclusive project, but does require two years’ commitment from each grower. So we provide support to our growers every step of the way. We provide written and visual instructions for the key stages, connect monthly through newsletters, and we offer bespoke support to address any issues that an individual grower may be facing with the seeds and saplings. This two-way communication helps to build the sense of action together and as a wider community as we take action against the threats that we face, and to do something to help future generations.

Helping to provide educational resources to help our younger growers grow in understanding and action :-

1725955970_one_oak_tree_4_smiles_(002)_whitley_bay.jpgYour support can help children and young people become more aware of their natural world.

It has been an absolutely pleasure to see so many schools and educational provisions adopt SEEDS2TREEES as a project. We see the potential of SEEDS2TREES as a more significant educational tool, and we have the ability to develop environmental educational resources at curriculum level.

However, we believe that the combination of provision of knowledge and the practical task of growing the trees can empower with important outcomes.      

We hear how children and young people are experiencing “climate anxiety” and statistics say this is on the rise. As we provide vital information about our environment and the eco and climate crisis we face, we can help alleviate fears that may grow with a sense of power as the young people themselves physically do something for the change we need. They are becoming a part of the solution, to reduce the risk of feeling they are victims, and this can be a catalyst to feel empowered as environmental champions.

The more money we can raise, the higher investment we can make in the lives of our younger tree growing community, with resources, a higher level of support, and visits.

SEEDS2TREE1725956547_acorn-990846_960_720.jpgS needs a community of people to make it work – it needs the growers, but without the financial facilitators, the potential that lies within the tree seed, or the project, cannot grow.

Thank you for your partnership in helping us "grow the change we need", for us, and for our future generations. 

  • We would like to add that if we are successful in raising funds for seeds and growing kits from other fundraising avenues, we would like you to be assured that if we reach this target of £8,000, then we will use the money to help towards our stretch target around the educational opportunities of the project, other learning opportunities for all our growers, and the projects' co-ordination. 



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