Westfield Hub and Community Pantry

by David Keen in Yeovil, England, United Kingdom

Westfield Hub and Community Pantry
We did it
On 13th June 2024 we successfully raised £2,047 ( + est. £122.50 Gift Aid ) with 24 supporters in 0 days

To keep Westfield Warm Hub open, with free food, drink and warm welcome, and grow our Community Pantry, providing low cost food & essentials

by David Keen in Yeovil, England, United Kingdom

1714564050_happy_cafe.jpgWestfield Warm Hub has been running at St Peters Community Centre in Westfield, Yeovil, since November 2022. We opened in response to the cost of living crisis, and during that time we've served over 7,000 free lunches, and welcomed hundreds of people into a warm, friendly space with free food and drink. Many still struggle to heat and eat in their homes, and many more struggle with loneliness and isolation. The Hub runs 4 days a week, 9.30am-3pm, with free hot meals, Wifi, cafe space, activities, advice services, community library, a childrens zone and a quiet zone. 

We then opened Westfield Community Pantry in April 2023, to provide a low cost food and essentials shop for up to 30 households, helping  over 100 people every week, and providing community and advice.

Users of the Hub and Pantry get access to employment and mental health support, life skills training, housing advice, and personalised help. Hundreds of people in our community still desperately need this support, the Westfield neighbourhood includes some of the most deprived areas in the country. Our vision is to keep both the Community Pantry and the Westfield Hub running until at least the end of 2025, and we would love to do even more!*

The Pantry costs £1000 per month to run, and the Warm Hub costs £1700 per month. Between them they help hundreds of people in our community through the toughest times. 

Here's what some of our Pantry Members say:

"We love coming to the pantry on a Friday, its always a good atmosphere and the volunteers who run the pantry feel like friends, they always ask how our week has been and if there is anything else they can help us with. We now attend the toddlers stay and play and have found new mum friends that I now socialise with it really has been a lifeline."

"You have created a community within the community pantry, everyone knows everyone who attends, and we sit and have a coffee and chat so its not just about collecting the pantry food it’s about communication and support."

1714563468_img-20240425-wa0024.jpg"I was embarrassed about having to use a food bank, then I heard about the community pantry. The first time I came I was worried about what people would think, but honestly its just so welcoming, everyone says hello, everyone chats to you, you get taken around the “pantry shop” and can choose your items, if you don’t like something you don’t take it but you are allowed to choose for yourself. I now tell everyone I am part of the community pantry because it helps my little family weekly, and I've been able to keep up with other bill payments because I am not spending so much on the food shopping every week so my life feels a little lighter."

A story from Marie our manager: "A Hub regular came into us for the first time roughly a year ago, on a day where he'd lost his job and really didn’t know where he was going. We linked him with Abri Housing Employment team, one of our partners, who helped him put together a fabulous new CV, uploaded to several job sites, helped him arrange interviews. He would come in everyday with his laptop and sit and apply for job after job in the hope that something would click into place. 3 months in he secured a full time position at a well known SW venue and is extremely happy with the help, support and new friendships that he developed over the time. He still visits us twice a week for lunch before his late shift at his job."

*If we raise enough money, there are 3 extra things we'd love to do:

  • Expand the Thursday hub, which currently runs with a reduced lunch offer. 
  •  Expand the Community Pantry, so we can take a larger delivery of items and support a further 10 households every week.
  •  Expand the 'essentials' that people can get through the Pantry, e.g. cleaning supplies, baby items, sanitary items. 

Your donation will provide hope and help just when people need it. Please give as generously as you can!

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