Reduce Child Poverty in Leicestershire

by The Zinthiya Trust in Leicester, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 22nd July 2020 we successfully raised £330 ( + est. £77.50 Gift Aid ) with 6 supporters in 41 days

Reduce child poverty by helping families maximise income, reduce bills, prevent evictions and improve financial resilience

by The Zinthiya Trust in Leicester, England, United Kingdom

The need in Leicestershire

Leicestershire has already been struggling to tackle poverty before the current coronavirus outbreak.  Years of austerity combined with insecure employment mean an estimated 43,677 children in Leicestershire are living below the poverty line even though the vast majority – 30,866 of them – have at least one parent who has a job.

The figures are based on data that is about a year old - it is expected that coronavirus has already made the situation much worse.

Current situation

We have kept our door open during the crisis providing face to face support (whilst adhering to social distancing guidelines) to ensure that no-one was excluded from support or isolated because they didn't have access to a computer or no credit on their phone. 

We have seen a 37% increase in calls from women experiencing domestic abuse and a 45% increase in people seeking emergency food,  gas and electricity top-ups and help to claim eligible benefits.  In the past few weeks the need has moved on to include support for now unaffordable bills and debt and most concerning of all rent arrears. Although evictions are in abeyance this is likely to change in July.

 We already provide support to the most disadvantaged but since Covid-19 we have seen a totally new type of beneficiary. Individuals who have always worked, had a steady income but often in low paid jobs affording them the ability to pay their priority bills but without sufficient income to build up any savings to withstand the current crisis. They are struggling to navigate the benefit system, understand what grants and help they can access, how to reduce their household bills quickly and deal with what is now unaffordable debt. We want to extend provision & opening hours to support them.

Our Project

Our project will  provide desperately needed holistic support to people who have seen they income decrease or cease due to Covid-19 & are struggling to cope with resulting financial problems.  

Core support will comprise: income maximisation checks, help to claim eligible benefits, benefits advocacy, help to prevent homelessness, debt management, budgeting, energy efficiency measures, help to reduce household bills and apply for eligible grants. 

Emergency food &, gas & electric top-ups will be provided to ensure that all beneficiaries have enough food, ability to store/cook food, charge phones & stay warm. 

 How we will use the money raised

Funds will be used to fund a advice worker to deliver outreach support to communities in Leicester & Leicestershire where no support is available.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£100 or more

1 of 10 claimed

Individual Business Coaching Session

Phil Nassau of ActionCoach has been coaching owners of small- to medium-sized businesses on how to achieve their business dreams for 30 years. He will help you identify, develop and implement business strategies and provide leadership, training and business development to help you reach your goals.

£10 or more

Membership to Leicester Community Shop

Buy a membership for you or gift it to someone else to get access to Leicester Community Shop which sells a wide range of food, toiletries, household essentials and baby items at really affordable prices. Food prics start from as little as 10p.

£50 or more

0 of 1 claimed

Corporate Headshot Photo

Top local photographer J Nandha will discuss the look you are trying to achieve and will then work with you to achieve a professional image which you will be free to use for professional profile pictures, on your CV, your website or on any promotional material.

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